curated by Barbara Pavan
from 6 September to 8 December 2024
opening reception Friday 6 September 2024 | 11:30 a.m.
On show will be the works
of Elham M.Aghili, Luciana Aironi, Jorgelina Alessandrelli, Jacobo Alonso, Brigitte Amarger, Mariantonietta
Bagliato, Silvia Beccaria, Isobel Blank, Lea Contestabile, Carla Crosio, Kinga Földi, Patrizia Fratus, Monica
Giovinazzi, Raija Jokinen, Patricia Kelly, Anikó Kovács Csonga, Deborah Kruger, Margherita Levo Rosenberg,
Florencia Martinez, Nanon Morsink, Guido Nosari, Federica Patera e Andrea Sbra Perego, Sonia izn
Piscicelli, Elena Redaelli, Giulia Spernazza, Olga Teksheva, Xénia Tóth, Alessandro Turoni, Davide Viggiano,
Izabela Walczak, Tania Welz.
We live in times of rapid and radical change, a liquid present that heralds an unpredictable future that is
difficult to imagine. In this scenario, what do terms such as identity, individuality, plurality, globalisation,
multiculturalism mean today – and what will they mean in the future? To this broad reflection on our time is
dedicated RADICI, METAMORFOSI, MESCOLANZE, the 2nd edition of the International Biennial of
Contemporary Fiber Art, curated by Barbara Pavan, which will be held from 6 September to 8 December
2024 at the Museum of Embroidery and Textiles in Valtopina (Perugia, Umbria, IT) promoted by Scuola
Ricamo Valtopina and the Municipal Administration with the patronage of the Region of Umbria, the
Province of Perugia, CEDRAV, Umbria Ecomusei, CCIAA Perugia, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno,
Club UNESCO Foligno and Fonti del Clitunno ODV.
The Biennial will open on Friday 6 September at 11.30 a.m. at the same time as the opening of the 21st
Exhibition of Embroidery and Textiles, a well-established event of national significance within the sector.
Guided tours are planned throughout the day on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 September 2024. “Maintaining
the ideal connection with the Embroidery and Textile Exhibition,” explains the coordinator Maria Mancini,
head of the Embroidery Museum, “the Biennial now qualifies both as a workshop of cultural proposals and
as a showcase of contemporary art and constitutes one of the most stimulating and significant occasions for
the territory.”
Thirty-one artists from European and non-European countries have been invited. They investigate a changing
and rapidly transforming present, trying to imagine its evolution through an approach that combines
contemporary art with textile techniques and materials and, from time to time, with scientific and
technological research, philosophical speculation, and social and political figure.
“I wanted an exhibition,” says the curator Barbara Pavan, “that would welcome the observer by restoring the
same sense of disorientation, fluidity and uncertainty of the reality in which we are immersed, and that would
itself be in continuous metamorphosis, with a layout that is now convergent, now divergent, dense with
contrasts and at the same time with possibilities, with works and installations that would slide over the
months in the exhibition space, along the perimeter and towards its centre, reorganising it, acquiring other
readings and meanings in the alternating dialogue with each other and with the exhibits of the Museum’s
permanent collection. ”